Our plans seek permission to deliver:

  • Up to 410 high-quality new homes, with a range of types to meet local demand
  • Up to 40% to be affordable homes
  • Up to 5,100 sqm of specialist older persons’ accommodation to address local demand
  • A mobility hub including a school drop-off zone to support the neighbouring primary school
  • Extensive planting, landscaping, public open space and children’s play areas, creating a new riverside park
  • Measures to manage surface water and increase flood resilience


    Your personal information is captured, held and processed by Participatr Limited for the purposes of this project only. Participatr Limited has created and launched this engagement platform on behalf of Gladman and Font Comms, and we collectively make decisions about how personal information is captured, held, processed and analysed, meaning that we are joint data controllers for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation.
    Your name, email address and phone number are used to update you on the project. Your postcode helps us understand the broad location of respondents and will not be used to contact you in any way. All of your personal information is held in a secure database on a server located in the United Kingdom. For more information about how we use your personal information, please visit our privacy and cookie policy.