The PLans

The interactive plan below gives you an idea of the parts of the site we’re looking at for new homes and community facilities, and the spaces we’re planning to keep as accessible green spaces open to the public.

We want your views and ideas on how the Eleven Arches site could help grow the Tadcaster community.  You can add your comments to the plan below:

Interactive Plan

Housing choice and quality

Eleven Arches could deliver up to 450 energy-efficient homes, providing real housing choice for current and future Tadcaster residents at every stage of life.

From private purchase to rent, it will provide real housing choice for people in Tadcaster at every stage of life. From starter and affordable homes to larger family homes and homes for the elderly it would respond to local need.

These proposed homes will have sustainability at their heart, with their specification complying with the latest building standards and regulations regarding energy conservation. Further enhancements to improve the sustainability of these homes will be explored, as part of our commitment to helping North Yorkshire Council move towards carbon neutrality.  

High-quality design will ensure the site responds sensitively to Tadcaster’s traditional architecture and compliments the town’s unique character.

Eleven Arches is a rare opportunity to increase and improve the green, open spaces in Tadcaster for residents and visitors to enjoy.

New riverside public park

Eleven Arches is a rare opportunity to increase and improve the green, open spaces in Tadcaster for residents and visitors to enjoy.

Over two-thirds of the site will be devoted to a new riverside public park, enhancing wildlife and biodiversity and creating stunning places for recreation and relaxation. With walking and cycling routes through to the town centre, the park will provide a memorable and distinctive community space with points of interest such as viewing spots; walking and cycling trails; fitness and nature trails; and play areas.

Only a short walk from the town centre, this will enhance amenity and leisure opportunities supporting improved health and wellbeing of the community, alongside addressing a local lack of greenspaces, parks and equipped play areas in Tadcaster. 


We’ve taken your comments into account as we developed a more detailed vision for Eleven Arches. More information on the proposed masterplan is online and will be available at our upcoming consultation events.



To make sure we can include green corridors and more open space throughout the site, we’ve made some key changes including removing an area being considered for retail use and reducing the number of homes from up to 500 to up to 450.


We’re planning for a diverse mix of homes that directly responds to local needs – including 3 and 4-bed family homes and specialist older persons accommodation, which will allow elderly residents to downsize and free up existing properties.


There’s only been two affordable homes built in Tadcaster since 2011, something that needs to change to meet demand. We’re planning for 40% to be classed as affordable – more than the draft local plan requirement and in line with the aspirations of the draft neighbourhood plan.


We’re allocating over two thirds of the site to a new riverside park! Our plans include increased landscaping; rewilding; orchards; footpaths and cycleways to make the green spaces more accessible for all abilities; and places where people can interact with nature – all with a commitment to an overall increase in biodiversity.


We’re proposing T-junctions to enter each parcel of land (either side of Wetherby Road), as well as traffic calming measures for motorists travelling into Tadcaster. We’re also planning a new, dedicated drop-off point for Riverside Primary School, helping address the numbers of cars parked on the main road at drop-off and pick-up times. 


No built development will be on the parts of the site that can flood. We also intend to provide improvements to the flood plain, increasing the local resilience to flooding. We’ll do so by including new areas to store water on site, it’ll then be released back into the river once water levels decrease, ensuring there is no impact downstream. 


We’ve laid out the streets so that they preserve key views toward the town and out into surrounding countryside. We support work being undertaken locally on a design code for Tadcaster as part of the neighbourhood plan, which will help inform building material choices further down the line. 


We’ve laid out the streets so that they preserve key views toward the town and out into surrounding countryside. We support work being undertaken locally on a design code for Tadcaster as part of the neighbourhood plan, which will help inform building material choices further down the line.

Key Considerations

As we bring forward the plans, we’ll be carrying out detailed assessments to ensure Eleven Arches will not negatively impact the surrounding area. These will include work on:


We know how important this is to Tadcaster. This will be a key element in designing the layout of the site and we will not be building on land within Flood Zones 2 and 3. We will provide a site-wide sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) as part of the approach to flood risk management and climate change adaptation.  Our work will demonstrate how any surface water will be carefully managed on site to improve existing issues.


Road access to the site will be from Wetherby Road. This work will look at traffic flows and how to provide links to public transport options. We’ll also map out how Eleven Arches can be connected by footpaths and cycleways to the surrounding areas and how a new mobility hub could help to address existing congestion issues.


Protecting and enhancing local habitats is essential to us. Our work will look at the plant and wildlife species currently prevalent locally and put forward a plan to ensure biodiversity is increased.


We ensure that the new homes and their settings are considered, high quality, respond sensitively to Tadcaster’s traditional architecture and compliment the town’s unique character


We recently held our first stage of consultation on Eleven Arches Tadcaster. We had a fantastic response, with lots of people attending events and submitting their feedback both in person and online. We’re now busy working up the next level of detail on the masterplan.

Whilst we do, we thought it would be helpful to share some of the common questions we’ve been asked and our initial response …

What’s the plan for the Eleven Arches site?

We’re proposing to deliver up to 450 much-needed new homes alongside a new public riverside park for Tadcaster. As the site’s within a short walk of Tadcaster centre, we think there’s a real opportunity for Eleven Arches to be a logical extension to Tadcaster, one that supports existing services, businesses and helps create a flourishing market town centre.

Why is it being proposed here and why is it needed?

In short, the town needs new homes. In the last decade, only 25 homes and only 2 affordable homes have been built in Tadcaster.

This has meant that young people are being forced to leave the area to buy or rent homes in
surrounding villages or further afield – making it difficult for people to either move to or stay in

The lack of homes has led to a lack of growth and opportunities, with recorded drops in the number of children, young people and people working in the town compared to increases elsewhere in the district and nationally.

What types of homes are planned and will there be some affordable housing?

Our research shows a real lack of affordable homes in Tadcaster. Many people during our first
consultation said the mix of houses should reflect what’s needed locally.

We’re planning for a diverse mix of homes that directly responds to local needs – including 3 and 4-bed family homes and specialist older persons’ accommodation, which will allow elderly residents to downsize and free up existing properties.

We’re planning for 40% to be classed as affordable – more than the draft local plan requirement and in line with the aspirations of the draft neighbourhood plan.

What green space will there be?

Eleven Arches is a rare opportunity to increase and improve the publicly accessible green, open
spaces in Tadcaster for residents and visitors to enjoy.

Our plans include increased landscaping, rewilding, orchards, footpaths and cycleways to make the
green spaces more accessible for all abilities; and places where people can interact with nature – all
with a commitment to an overall increase in biodiversity.

Is the site in the Green Belt?

Yes. The Leeds Green Belt, put in place to limit the city’s outward expansion, borders Tadcaster’s western edge. The Green Belt has heavily constrained the growth of Tadcaster, with areas that are not Green Belt often susceptible to flooding.

We’re proposing a new Green Belt boundary, partially releasing land to provide a logical, coherent extension of the town. Our plans will also seek to enhance land remaining within the Green Belt alongside greatly improving public access to new areas of open space.

As part of the planning process, we’ll need to demonstrate very special circumstances for this, which we believe there are.

Is the site likely to flood?

We know how important an issue this is for Tadcaster. No built development will be on the parts of
the site that can flood.

We also intend to provide improvements to the flood plain, increasing the local resilience to flooding. We’ll do so by including new areas to store water on site, it’ll then be released back into the river once water levels decrease, ensuring there is no impact downstream.

Are you considering transport?

Yes. We’ve got a team of transport experts looking at options of how to gain access and get around the site.

We’re proposing T-junctions to enter each parcel of land (either side of Wetherby Road), as well as traffic calming measures for motorists travelling into Tadcaster. We’re also planning a new, dedicated drop-off point for Riverside Primary School, helping address the numbers of cars parked on the main road at drop-off and pick-up times.

Have you considered the impact on local services?

Our studies show there’s currently space at existing primary and secondary schools and that doctors have capacity locally. However, we are aware that some community facilities, such as the swimming pool, are in need of more visitors and financial support which could be provided through the development of Eleven Arches.

What about empty properties in Tadcaster?

We want to see Tadcaster be a flourishing and vibrant town. Given the lack of housing delivered over the years, there is demand for both existing properties to be brought back into use as well as new homes.

We believe that by new housing growth and increasing footfall in the town there is the opportunity to increase demand to bring back the derelict properties for both housing and commercial uses. However, we only have control over the Eleven Arches site, and are not responsible for existing vacant properties in Tadcaster.

How do I stay up to date and have my say?

We’ve just launched our second stage of consultation, during which people can submit feedback about the proposed masterplan. You can do so by completing the questionnaire online here or attending one of our events being held in the town centre. You can find more information on our Have Your Say page here.

Our events are being held at the Boys’ Sunday School, St Mary’s Church, Kirkgate, Tadcaster, LS24
9BL on:

Friday 8th September, 3pm – 7pm
Saturday 9th September, 10am – 2pm

What happens next?

Following this final stage of consultation we’ll be finalising a planning application and submitting it to North Yorkshire Council for decision later this year. We anticipate that delivery of the site could get underway in 2025.

How do I register an interest in the homes at Eleven Arches?

It’s early days, but people are already registering their interest in living at Eleven Arches, Tadcaster. You can express an interest online here.


Want to be kept updated on our plans or would like to register your interest in living at Eleven Arches?