Plans for mix of new homes and riverside public park in Tadcaster progress

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PLANS to deliver Eleven Arches in Tadcaster – a mix of homes and a new, riverside public park just a short walk from the town centre – have taken a step forward.

The team behind the plans have revealed more details about the vision as they call on people to get involved in a second stage of consultation.

The proposals for land off Wetherby Road and next to the River Wharfe are aimed at reversing the chronic lack of local housing choice. Only 25 homes and 2 affordable homes have been built in Tadcaster since 2011, meaning that young people are forced to leave the area to find housing and the town’s growth has been stunted.

A masterplan for the Eleven Arches site, featuring up to 450 homes, has been worked up in more detail, taking on board feedback from a first consultation in 2022. It features a real mix of homes to meet local demand, including family homes and specialist older persons accommodation. Provision of 40% of the properties being affordable homes will go some way to addressing the current complete lack of affordable housing in the town.

Elsewhere, the considered design aims to make it a sustainable addition to Tadcaster’s community – one that underpins its growth as an independent, thriving market town. Planned features include:

The plans are being brought forward by Gladman Developments Ltd, who is working with the Grimston Park Estate who own the land..  


Katherine Putnam, Planning Director at Gladman, said:

“We had a fantastic response to our first community consultation last year – people really get the effect that lack of housing choice is having on the town, particularly on younger generations. We’ve since worked really hard to take on board the feedback.

“Our plan for Eleven Arches is for a mix of homes that squarely meets the local need. That’s not just the 40% affordable homes that are in acute short supply, but larger homes suited to families and homes specifically for the elderly, allowing people to downsize and free up existing properties in the area.

“Eleven Arches is also a rare chance to deliver a new public park for Tadcaster. We’ve planned the site so that the majority of the land is not only left as green space, but proactively enhanced – whether that’s making it more accessible; introducing new wildlife habitats and planting; or creating new spaces where people can sit and spend time. Overall, an addition to Tadcaster that will benefit existing residents as well as new.”

The latest consultation on the vision will run until Friday 22nd September 2023, following which an application will be submitted to North Yorkshire Council for consideration. 

Newsletters with questionnaires have been posted locally, but people living further afield can still have their say online, with more info and an online questionnaire at:

Drop-in sessions on the plans for Eleven Arches are being held on Friday 8th September 3pm-7pm and Saturday 9th September 10am-2pm at the Boys’ Sunday School, St Mary’s Church, Kirkgate, Tadcaster LS24 9BL. 

Walking tours of the site are also being hosted by the team, with more information about how to book available online. 

Further information can be found at, by contacting info@elevenarchestadcaster.comor the calling community information line 0800 689 1095. You can also follow the project on social media:
